Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pakistan seeks Colombo’s help in deploying genocidal model

A high level team of Sri Lankan officials who visited Pakistan were actually on a mission to help Pakistan combat and crush the Baloch freedom fighters or Sarmachars demanding independence from the failing state in South Asia, said an Examiner feature by Ahmar Mustikhan on Monday. Sri Lanka president Mahinda Rajapaksa was on a two-day visit to Islamabad and signed three MoUs with Pakistan. But secret talks held during the visit were on Pakistan getting Colombo’s ‘expertise’ in crushing Tamil Tigers for deployment against the Balochistan movement, and this matter should be immediately reported to the International Criminal Court, the feature further said. 

The feature quoted a former Balochistan fisheries minister Kachkol Ali Advocate, talking of a protracted struggle of the Balochs, dismissing any comparison between the Tamil and Baloch movement.

But in dismissing comparison, the Oslo-based former Baloch minister only exposed his ignorance in South Asian affairs, when he said “The Baloch are the sons of the soil of Balochistan, while Tamils came from elsewhere to Sri Lanka.”

It is such poor understanding among the struggling nations about one another that helps the oppressors to easily go ahead with their agenda, commented diaspora Tamil circles, reminding the Baloch politician that Eezham Tamils are as old as the Sinhalese in making ancient nations in the island.

Meanwhile, with war expected soon with Iran, the USA is keen in securing Sri Lanka and Maldives on its side. The current US engagements aiming at pre-emption and mediation in these countries are to strengthen state militarisation for its use, said circles close to another West Asian national movement.

Wikileaks documents have earlier revealed that immediately after the Vanni War, the USA was negotiating with Colombo for the deployment of Sinhala military in Afghanistan.
source:[TamilNet, Monday, 13 February 2012, 11:38 GMT]

A high level team of Sri Lankan officials who visited Pakistan were actually on a mission to help Pakistan combat and crush the Baloch freedom fighters or sarmachars demanding independence from the failing state in South Asia, well informed sources said.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa was on  a two-day tour to Pakistan at the head of a high level delegation and signed three memorandums of understanding.
However, secret talks were held as Islamabad is requesting Colombo to provide it with the expertise to combat Baloch freedom fighters or sarmachars in Balochistan the same way Colombo combatted the Tamil Tigers in the island state.
Sri Lanka had brutally crushed the Tamil Tigers Movement, massacring thousnads.
"This matter should immeditaely be reported to the International Criminal Court," said Nazir Bhatti, a friend of the Baloch and president of the Pakistan Christian Congress. "the way they did with Tamil Tigerds, islsmabad wants to adopt against the Baloch.
Oslo-based former Balochistan fisheries minister Kachkol Ali Advocate says there is no comparison between the Tamil and the Baloch movement. "the Baloch are the sons of the soil of Balochistan," says Ali Advocate, "while Tamils came from elswhere to Sri Lanka."
He believes the Baloch can win a protracted struggle. "Just like the small fleas that attack a huge camel and finally brings it down," says Ali Advocate, who says he is a fan of the liberation philosophy of veteran Baloch leader and cock fighting enthusiast Nawab Khair Baksh Marri.
©Mustikhan Syndicated News Service


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