Thursday, February 23, 2012

Real Journalist Versus Fake Journalists

Renowned journalist Marie Colvin of The Sunday Times (UK), who is familiar to Eezham Tamils for her coverage on the conflict in the island, has been killed in shelling in Syria together with French photographer Remi Olchlik. The courageous journalist lost one of her eyes in 2001 in Sri Lanka Army shelling while working in the island. She was the only journalist to be present in besieged town of Homs in Syria, covering the conflict there, where she was killed. The shocking news of her death comes a few hours after her coverage on “sickening scenes” from Syria. 

But the Bribed Indian Media meted injustice to Tamils in Sri Lanka by conveying false news to the world and shielding war crimes and genocide committed by Sri Lanka. Hindu Ram was awarded highest civilian award by Sri Lanka for hiding Sri Lankan atrocities on Tamils. Rest of the Indian media did the same job enjoying freebies from Sri Lankan Government. Also these Indian Media are Bribed by Indian Government itself for not bringing out the human rights violations committed by the Indian armed forces in Kashmir, North Eastern States and Central India. Shame on Indian Media. 

Our Tribute to Real Hero - Marie Colvin. Share if you like.

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