Friday, March 02, 2012

25th Day of Wlak For Justice

 The 25th day of the Walk for Justice was finished near to Yverdon. Geneva is not far anymore and the three walking men focus on the 5th of March. They started in Brussels crossed several countries and now are nearly at their destination. Their aim is to get the attention of the international community. They demand justice in the form of an international independent investigation on war crimes in Sri Lanka.
At present SriLankan government is informing international that they did not hold any allegations against Tamil people in SriLanka. It’s our responsibility to urge justice and establish peace in our motherland.

Velupillai, Mahaendraraja, Loganathan Maruthaiya and Jagamuthu Gresian said it’s pointless on speaking about the justice while staying at home. Entire Tamil community need to inform international on this genocide. Without any differences let’s all gather as Tamil people on 5th of March.


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