Friday, June 29, 2012

Letters to our Respective Governments

Dear Friends,

This letter is written by Tamils for Obama to Assistant Secretary, South and Central Asian Affairs, Robert Blake. It is the duty of every Diaspora and Tamil leaders in Tamil Nadu to highlight the plight of Eelam Tamils in the face of land grab that is taking place in their Homeland to their respective governments and bring this scourge to an end. Please read this simple but effective letter.


Re: US-SL Tamil Conference about Sri Lanka
June 19, 2012
Robert O. Blake
Assistant Secretary,
South and  Central Asian Affairs
Dear Mr. Blake,

It has occurred to us at Tamils for Obama that if we were able to arrange a conference at which American law-makers and/or policy makers were to sit down and share information and views with their Sri Lankan Tamil counterparts, both sides might benefit.
We are especially concerned that few influential people in the United States are aware that Tamils in Sri Lanka are day by day being crushed and degraded. Their culture, lives, property, and dignity are being progressively taken from them. It is just a matter of time, it seems to us, before this Sri Lankan policy of erasing the Tamil people from the record and history of Ceylon is an established fact. We hope that we can take measures to inform the world (including the US) that this erasure is now in progress; soon, we are afraid, it will be completed and irreversible.

Is there any way that you and the Department of State can help arrange this conference?

Thank you.
Tamils for Obama

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