Friday, January 07, 2011


Ban Ki Moon, His son-in-Law and Sri Lanka. If Ban Ki Moon is indictable, under which law it has to be done? If an elected President of a nation is a suspect in several murders since 1970 what avenues are available to bring him to justice? The world is facing  serious moral issues here. Our up bringing says that certain acts are wrong, such as murdering a person, or as responsible person in society we are suppose to pay heed to justice. But it is being violated at the
higher places.
India is a nation notorious for corruption, I am yet to see an Indian talking straight or evading and avoiding taxes if he can. If a visa officer takes $50.00 dollars to issue visa, there are several moral issues here. If you read Mahabharata you will know why this culture of deviousness and corruption is in that nation. While we in the west take a moral high road they always take the immoral sewer.
We still don’t know why it is taking such a long time for United Nations to ask the International Tribunal at the Hague to issue arrest warrant for Mahinda Rajapkas, his family and the top officers of the “NAZI” regime in Sri Lanka. We have a nation that is full of thugs operate freely and free of impunity. We all know that, Ban Ki Moon knows that. Why is he not acting? We have been asking him to resign and he would not do that either.
As the top man of the world government he must act responsibly, but he is not, he is pandering with the corrupt while people are dying in Sri Lanka. When he is not acting, isn’t he conniving? Lets analyse his “VAK” that is his Visual, his Auditory and his Kinetics or body language. There is no energy in his voice, No light on his face and the body language is not congruent.
This man should gracefully resign or retire and lets have some one who has some guts and courage to take over. This man has done great dis-service to the humanity, he will go down in the history of the United Nations as the most ineffective and corrupt secretary general of the United Nations. He has turned this reputable organization into another failed League of Nations.
You all know the story of Ban Ki Moon, his indian son in law and the Sri Lankan connection
Subramaniam Masilamany

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