Sunday, April 22, 2012

The man wanted for murder in India and military man acting as governor receive Sushma Swaraj in the North!

Dear Friends,
Of course, Sushma Swaraj knows she was shaking the bloody hands of a convicted murderer, Douglas Devananda. In the late eighties Douglas was charged in the Chennai High court for shooting dead a Tamil man, who was defending the honour of a lady whom he was attempting to rape. While on bail he absconded to Sri Lanka and only returned to India as an honourable member of a delegation of President Rajapaksa, who himself has a bloody record behind him. India’s legal immunity prevented the Chennai Court from issuing a summons on him.

Now Douglas has graduated to a higher level. He is no longer interested in fighting for a woman. He goes for murder, abduction and extortion of the already impoverished Tamils, for whom he is presenting himself as a leader worthy of shaking hands. Now he is an honourable member in the Rajapaksa cabinet to represent the Tamil interests. Such is the plight of Tamils in Eelam.

Poor Sushma what choice had she? She was going as a head of an Indian delegation to see for herself the situation on the ground in Tamil Eelam, where the Tamils had been deduced to the level of restitutes by the Indian aided genocide in Vanni. As a BJP leader, she is the only one whom the Tamils have faith. The others, M. Krishnaswamy, Mr. Natchiappan, Manicka Tagore, NSV Chitthan, though Tamil Nadu MPs, are from the Congress Party and Natchiappan is an avowed anti-Tamil. Mr. Rangarajan, is the only outsider from the Communist Party, but has never expressed any feelings for the suffering Tamils.

Jayalalithaa withdrew her nominee, William Rabi Bernard, from the delegation when she discovered that this was a well planned conducted tour by the two foreign ministers, S.M.Krishna and G.L.Peiris. Karunanidhi also followed suit when he withdrew his nominee, Elangovan, from the delegation.  That left behind  a BJP leader leading Congressmen to examine the plight of the Tamils. To be fair to Sushma, she deviated from the conducted tour to meet some of the victims. Her report that she submits in the Indian Parliament will speak for the rest.


 Murder Suspect wanted in India receives Indian delegation in the North, plays host to India’s Opposition Leader Sushma Swaraj

Does Sushma Swaraj know the man she is shaking hands with, sitting next to and engaged in earnest discussions is a man wanted for murder, extortion, kidnapping etc in India???!!!   

Does she know that whilst smiling with her, he was organizing his goons to protest against Indian fishermen?!

It is SAD that a Sinhalese military man acting as governor and a man wanted for murder in India are the chief spokesmen for Tamils during the delegation’s Northern escapade.

Please write to Mrs. Swaraj and also to Madam Jayalalithaa and Mr. Rabi Bernard:

Indian delegation in Jaffna

Indian delegation in Jaffna

Wanted for Murder in India:

Douglas extradition hearing next week

The Madras High Court has posted to February 21 for orders on a petition seeking extradition and arrest of Sri Lankan minister Douglas Devananda, wanted in connection with a murder case.

Colombo deploys EPDP leader against Tamil Nadu, India

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