Sunday, October 07, 2012

Sri Lanka’s genocide model sets trend in the region

The genocidal model of State, licensed to Sri Lanka by India and the International Community of Establishments, now inspires other peoples in the region to follow suit, as was seen in the recent attacks on Muslims in Myanmar and Buddhists in Bangladesh. The Sinhala-Buddhist clergy and mob in Colombo reverberated on Thursday by ransacking the Bangladesh High Commission and reiterating the ‘license to genocide’ privilege of the Sinhala Buddhists. “No matter which religion or race you may belong to, everyone has to understand that this is a country of the Sinhalese. If you accept this culture you can live here peacefully. Anyone who cannot, they should leave,” the Buddhist monk who led the march to the Bangladesh High Commission was cited saying, turning the demonstration into anti-Tamil and anti-Tamil-speaking Muslims in the island.

The Buddhist monk, Galabodaatey Gnaneswara, started his address with Buddha’s teachings of non-violence at a rally organised by Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Army) at the Colombo Town Hall Grounds. But the monk subsequently came out with the genocidal declaration.

The march of hundreds of Buddhist monks and followers to hand over a petition to the Bangladesh High Commissioner turned into a violent attack on the High Commission at Ward Place in Colombo. A group of Muslims also gathered at the place for a counter demonstration.

The monk accused outsiders for the attack on the High Commission.

But writing on the incident, a feature in Sri Lanka Brief on Saturday said, “What paved the way to the attacks on the Bangladeshi High Commission with bricks and bottles was not the work of an outsider but these words uttered by the Ven. Gnaneswara himself.”

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The rally was organised to protest the recent attack on Buddhists in Bangladesh, in pockets where they live in majority.

The attacks in Bangladesh were in response to prolonged brutal attacks on Muslims by Buddhists in neighbouring Myanmar.

Sri Lankan Buddhism inspires religion-oriented animosities in Myanmar, revealed a feature appeared in New Mandala in June.

Junior monks of Myanmar, studying Buddhism in Sri Lanka and elsewhere spread made-up stories against Muslims in Myanmar, stirring public anger that the ‘Kalar’ [a derogatory term used for dark-skinned Muslims of Bengali origin] are trying to take over the Buddhist nation, the New Mandala feature by Sai Latt said.

Both the ruling Congress and the Opposition BJP in India pamper the genocidal brand of Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

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Meanwhile, meddled by the powers on the religious question, even a 100-per cent Islamic country in South Asia, the Republic of Maldives, has seen religio-political violence to the extent of a high-profile assassination on Monday night that necessitated a UN condemnation.

Dr. Afrasheem Ali, Islamic scholar, religious teacher, Member of Parliament and one who was regarded as a moderate on the practice of religion but not compromising on changing the 100-per cent Islamic status of the country, was found assassinated outside of his house on Tuesday. Some say that he was decapitated.

Maldives has never heard of such political violence ever since the first president of the first republic, Mr Ameen didi, was lynched to death in 1953.

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Powers and the Establishments in collaboration abetting the genocide in Sri Lanka and refusing liberation to Eezham Tamils is pivotal in inspiring the loss of order in South Asia and in the neighbourhood, political analysts say.

But the test-case culprit, Sri Lanka, being protected and shielded not only by the three meddling powers, India, China and the US, but also by the Islamic countries, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Malaysia as well as the Buddhist countries, Myanmar, Thailand and Bhutan in the region, besides the remnants of the so-called communist countries, Cuba and Vietnam in the distance, show how the Establishments disown the peoples’ crisis they engineer, the political analysts further said.

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The following are comments from a group of political activists in Tamil Nadu:

The genocidal State in Sri Lanka would never listen to any reason unless it is indicted for the genocide and is firmly told to part with the country of Eezham Tamils.

Unless the record is set right in the island of Sri Lanka, to the edification of the powers, peoples in the region are not going to see any political or humanitarian order.

Mobilized action of the peoples in the region, whether Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians or tribes, is needed in this regard in targeting the test-case culprit, i.e., the State of Sri Lanka.

LLRC hoodwink, behind-the-screen acknowledgement of genocide and half-baked solutions such as ‘devolution’ of powers or self-rule through TNA polity advocated by some of the elements of diffusion, even after seeing the magnitude of the genocide, would not work.

Let the powers and the Establishments see how they could advance their interests without addressing the self-determination question of the nations and peoples in the region, especially when a nation without state is pushed to the extent of righteously asserting to its right to self determination.

When there are going to be mass disturbances and mass mobilizations against the establishments that don’t heed to reason in the region, the foremost victim would be no one but India in partnership with genocidal Sri Lanka.
source:  [TamilNet, Saturday, 06 October 2012, 23:09 GMT]

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