Thursday, December 30, 2010

Terror campaign in Jaffna: abducted youth tortured and beheaded

Mahendran Thiruvarudchelvam, known as Chelvam, abducted 9 days ago was tortured and beheaded as evidenced by his remains reaching Jaffna Teaching Hospital. Even though initial reports said that he had been abducted for a ransom of 8 million, his background and prevailing terror campaign in the SL-military-occupied Jaffna point to deeper motives behind his killing, human rights activists in Jaffna said. Mr. Chelvam, 28-year-old, and father of a child, was living in Vanni to the end of the war, spent some time in the internment camp and was released for resettlement. He returned to his native place Meesaalai North near Kanakan-pu'liyadi and started doing business as a vehicle dealer. The former residents of Vanni, whether they are in captivity or released, are viewed by the occupying military and paramilitary as objects for exploitation and then extermination.

Chelvam was abducted from his house located near Kanakan-pu'liyadi in Thenmaraadchi, Jaffna by unidentified men who came to his house.

His father confirms that the abductors have demanded ransom.

Mr. Chelvam’s body was recovered from the scrub jungle adjacent to a crematorium, not very far away from Kanakan-pu’liyadi.

The body had several cut wounds and the head was severed.

The decomposed state of the body indicated that the slaughter took place 2 or 3 days before its discovery Wednesday by Chaavakachcheari Police.

Informed circles say that some recent orders have come from ‘very high circles’ to a killer squad of the military intelligence to create an atmosphere of terror in various sections of the society in Jaffna.

In the month of December alone, more than 6 abductions have been reported, besides the killings of the chief priest of Changkaanai temple and the Valikaamam Deputy Director of Education.

Commander of the occupying SL military of Jaffna, Maj. Gen. Hathurusinghe admitted that the T 56 rifle used in the killing of the chief priest belonged to the military. Even though he was accusing former LTTE cadres now conniving with the SL military for such happenings, his partial admittance to military hands and the continuing killings show what message he wants to convey to the people of Jaffna.

The released cadres of the LTTE complain that they are systematically and regularly harassed by the occupying military. The harassment has escalated in recent times, pressurising them in many ways and preventing any rehabilitation, they say.

Recently they have been ordered to go to the military camps at Oorezhu and Achchezhu every day and sign. These military camps are well known for torture and killings. Besides, they are also asked to sign at the so-called civil offices of the military located in Vadamaraadchi and Thenmaraadchi.

In the background of Hathurusinghe and SL minister Douglas Devananda putting the blame on the released LTTE cadres for the happenings in Jaffna, the escalating measures of harassment and entrapment against them cause serious suspicions in the public, about the motives.

There are instances where the parents of the abducted in the peninsula were fleeced huge sums of money after giving them some evidence for the existence of their children, but after getting the money either they were not released or killed.

People who spoke to SL president Mahinda Rajapaksa tell that he was firm on colonising the conquered land by military and their families by providing them with many incentives, but was negative about releasing the Tamil captives.

There are also reports that some powers, who didn't come forward to save the civilians during the war, are now very busy in setting their feet in the 'conquered' Tamil land.

At a time when the SL military has to be reduced in number to help peace, reconciliation, and development, some powers helping further increment of it worries all sections of public in the island, who fear the grip of military for many decades to come.

What is happening in Jaffna now, is only an initial brunt of the unfolding scenario and it is aimed at silencing whatever civil society remains in the peninsula.

Meanwhile, the UN and ICRC offices functioning in Jaffna have been asked to windup many of their operations. ICRC offices in Batticaloa and Mannaar have already been closed.

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