Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sushma Swaraja refused to comment on establishi​ng separate Tamil Eelam

Head of the Indian parliamentary group Sushma Swaraja refused to comment on establishing separate Tamil Eelam in the Northern part of SriLanka.
Sushma Swaraj made this statement during a media briefing held at Colombo today.
Earlier Tamil Nadu CM Jayalaithaa said “SriLanka government has organized best foreign tour for  Indian parliamentarians”. Replying to this statement Sushma Swaraj said this was not a foreign tour for Indian parlaimentrians.

We continuously work from 6.30 am -11.30pm. We did not do shopping in SriLanka because we are in a tight schedule. We always paid special attention towards problems faced by Tamil people in the country and also stress the importance of political solution.
We stressed the government and Tamil National Alliance to recommence the discussions in the country. Speaking to journalist Sushma Swaraj went on to say SriLanka has achieved developments in the resettlement activities but however some people still remains in the IDP camps and also residing in their relatives houses.

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