Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Srilanka-EElam 3.5 Lakhs Hindus Killed by Srilanka President Rajapakshe and his Delhi Collegues

EElam the ancient Lemuria continent about 50,000years ago is the birth place of Hindu Thamizhs the ancient Lemuria (Kumari Kandam) here as per the historical records it the birth place of the ancient Human Beings.Due to the soil and sea erosion the present  Australian and the other Eastern Asian Countries has been divided, the present EElam is the original mother land of the Ancient Hindu Tamils, here the Slave by name Vijayan who was driven out from a northern part of India by the rulers for he was to marry his own sister this slave group arrived in Eelam and this vijayan has married a thamizh girl and this clan is the present Sinhala community in srilanka which is born from EElam, some 2000 years ago,this dirty clan now in this century the Srimavo Bhandaranayake,Jayawardane ,premadasa,chandrika,Rajapakshe are from this dirty clan.
 This Rajapakshe with the help of Sonia Gandi,Manmohan Singh,M.K.Narayanan,Shivashankar Menon,A.K.Anthony,PranabMukarjee,P.Chidambaram,Pillai,VijayNambiar,George’s,Karunanithi,TamilNadu’s ‘Q’Branch,Ex Inteligence IGPJaffer Sait,Delhi’s RAW,Intelligence Brain’splanned and Killed over 3.5 Lakhs of Hindu THamizh’s in EElam-Srilanka, and Demolished over 5000 Temples and converted them into Buddha Vihars in  2007-2009 with the help of Nucluer Countries the India,Pakisthan,China,Iran,Isreal,Russia including 22 world countries gave arms to srilanka the Banned Arms  of Prosporous Bombs and the Poisness Bombs to kill this 3.5 Lakhs of Hindu Thamizhs.
Smt.Indra Gandi keeping in mind the Naval base of Triconamalee the world’s connecting Harbour  gave Training to the LTTE to carve out EElam as in the path way of BanglaDesh,she in her last speech in the Rajya Sabha   in 1984 stated that the EElam is the Homeland and the Hindu Thamizhs are the Original Inhabitants of this EElam,but after the Assasination of Smt.Indira Gandhi this Pilot boy Rajiv gandi send the 2.5 lakhs of IPKF(Indian Peace Keeping Force) later it became peace killing force in 1987-1990 in the 4 years this pilot boy Rajiv who said the LTTE after all 2000 boys I will flush them in 24 hours and the IPKF of Rajiv Gandi with the Guidance of P.V.Narasimha Rao,J.N.Dixit,Romesh Bhandari,Natwar Singh,P.Chidambaram,and other Raw Wing killed over 10,000 Hindu Thamizhs,Raped many Thousands and Thousands of Hindu Thamizh Girls,looted their properties also killed the Handicap Commander in Chief of LTTE Mr.Kittu,Dileepan who went on fast for 12 days without consuming even a single Drop of water and he was killed by this pilot boy Rajiv Gandi, and important Commanders like Kumarappa,Pulendran,Raghu,Nalan, Abdullah etc,etc, This Pilot Boy Rajiv Gandi Through J.N.Dixit Ordered Army Commander Harikirath Singh to kill Prabhakaran when on Peace Talks, This is the Cut-throat Attitude of this Pilot boy Rajiv, until the Next Prime Minister Hon.V,P.Singh,withdrew the 2.5 lakhs Indian Army who fought for no reasons for 4 years and lost many Thousands and Thousands of Indian Army also over 2 Lakh Crores money  was wasted by this pilot boy Rajiv Gandi in EElam,now it is followed by this Italian Sonia Drakulla.Who is this boy Rajiv Gandi to sigh the pact with the cunning fox Jayawardane without the consent of LTTE who are fighting for their soil.What happened to the Indo-Srilankan pact of 1987 ?.

The present situation is over 7.5 lakhs of Hindu Thamizhs are in the Electric Fenceing open  air jail without food,water and shelter for more than 3 years the agony is no UNO agencies Red Cross,Human Rights Representatives,or the press,Media allowed to see this jail birds.Every day thousands of Hindu Thamizh girls are raped and killed,many truth facts has been revealed by the Wikelikes,and even Sri,Sri,Sri,Ravishankar Guruji has been there and he has charged the dirty congress of killings, the Mullaithevu,Vavunia,collector’s record reveal the truth that 1.89 Lakhs of Hindus are missing,more than 2 lakhs of them are killed of the 4.69 lakhs population,more than 16,000 Hindu Girls are Raped and killed daily as no UNO,press,Media is allowed in this spot.
Worlds Hindu’s of over 110 crores should come forward to save this 7.5 Lakhs Hindu's in electric fencing open air jail Hindu’s in Srilanka-EElam.They have last hope with the Hindu Organisations and the BJP,we world  Hindus expect the present Tamil Nadu C.M.Hon.  Selvi.Jayalalitha to extend support to the Trans National Government of Tamil EElam who have formed the Government in a Democratic way who have representatives in over 120 world countries.When all LTTE are Killed and finished as per the Srilanka-India congress rulers then why ban of LTTE extended without any person surviving.
Hindu’s in the Pakisthan,Bangladesh,Afghanistan, are also facing all sorts atrocities and killed and looted, in many parts of India itself the Hindus are targeted by this Sonia Congress rulers.Hence the world Hindus should come forward to create EElam an Hindu Country as we have lost the only Hindu Nation Nepal to aileans.Congress is world Hindus number one enemy, come we will unite to safe guard the world Hindus.

     Thanking You                                                           Yours Affectionately

P.B.No.4256,SivanChettyThottam,Bangalore - 560042.                                                                                                 

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