Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Prabhakaran's leadership until the end of the battle nimitac arralakave was incomparable. !! Major General Kamal Gunaratne of the Sinhala military !!

LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was shown to be chaste, who retired from the Sri Lanka Army Major General Kamal Gunaratne said.With yesterday retired from the army, Major General Kamal Gunaratne, 800 pages, "The way to Nandikadal 'writing a book published today.The Colombo media for an interview, he stated,Prabhakaran may Illiterate, but he himself, his surroundings, and grew serious discipline.His art is constructed of a suicide attack. Al-Qaeda's first suicide bomber before Prabhakaran had 200 suicide bombers.Most of the suicide bombers were women. His leadership of the bidding, they were willing to give their lives.

Female fighters of the Liberation Tigers of misappropriating he has no canrume.He was a loving family man. SLA, pirapakaraninatum, his family, the Liberation Tigers of development, olippatankalaik seized 10 thousand. But I do not see a picture of the leader with the liquor bottle.He was a decent leader. He was more than the law of Sharia law comforter. Tirutiyirunt Sharia law if you lose the hand. But Prabhakaran lives will be lost under the Act.He was a Hindu, I do not believe in God. He once said that God is the most powerful countries. He's a different kind of leader. Many, many good qualities, and he had to learn.He was taking a definitive decision. Right or wrong, the decision does not care about it. Implement the decision.One of the results of his indiscretion earlier murder. Kollavatan earlier by the whole of India and the world to know that he would turn against him.Niruttiyatarkup Indian peacekeepers to Sri Lanka to take revenge, but he wanted to destroy the LTTE. So did he murder him.He had a lot of patience. He did not hurry his trips. He waited until the right moment to attack.Prabhakaran's leadership until the end of the battle nimitac was mikattiramaiyanatakave. Panu other generals, ratnam master, Soosai also provided excellent leadership.Nobody do not want to return in a few days by the end of Soosai kattalaikalin. The commanders of the LTTE commandos, and worked very well.Start of reconnaissance fighters, explosives experts on suicide fighters, artillery crews, artillery observers, all of the energy from the poralikalakave.Iruticcamar until the last few hours, the LTTE leadership fought pungent. "He said Major General Kamal Gunaratne.

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